About Us
The Daily Flossing Club

FlossEveryDay.com: the inspiration for the movie, "Crooked."  To purchase "Crooked" DVD go to www.DentalMovie.org.

The mission of FlossEveryDay.com is to inspire, encourage, and motivate everyone to floss every day, and to use flossing success momentum as a catalyst to make other healthy life changes.


We also sponsor the Friend of Flossing Award to recognize individuals and organizations who make daily flossing a way of life for many.  The 2009 winner is all those involved in the production of the motion picture, "Crooked," the first Hollywood style movie to promote daily flossing as a central theme throughout the film. The 2008 award winner is every dentist around the world, including those retired, plus those now studying to become dentists. The 2007 award winner was every dental hygienist around the world, including those retired,  plus those now studying to become dental hygienists.  The 2006 recipient of the award was Procter & Gamble.


The author of FlossEveryDay.com, Paul, lives in Florida and has published this site as a service to those who are struggling to develop a consistent daily flossing habit and are looking for a way to succeed.


He is a flossing speaker and his award-winning speech, "I Figured it Out," is a great start for any meeting where motivation and change is important.  After all, if a 40+ year old man can develop a lasting daily flossing habit, whatever challenges your group faces will look achievable upon seeing this hope filled presentation. See a clip on YouTube now:

Here's what others said about the speech:


"Ever since your speech I have been flossing daily!"

"You are a great flossing speaker!  People need to realize how important it is to floss."

"You are hilarious and gifted.  Please speak again soon!"

"Fun and educational speech.  You are 'the floss master'."

"You inspired us to floss."


"You are so funny - with great information to share."

"Great job on flossing your teeth!  The audience loved it!  You are a riot!"


Contact Paul, flossing speaker, now at FlossHabit@aol.com


Have a flossing story to share?  Or a nomination for our Friend of Flossing Award?  Tell us at FlossHabit@aol.com


Join the Daily Flossing Club  (membership cards and t-shirts available) at FlossHabit@aol.com


Paul is also available for teleconferences with dental professionals to motivate them to keep encouraging patients to floss.


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